ModEco is a software package for ecological niche modeling. It integrates a range of niche models within a geographical information system. ModEco provides a user friendly platform that enables users to explore, analyze, and model species distribution data with relative ease. It contains a suite of functions such as data input/output, data visualization, feature analysis, model training and prediction, and accuracy assessment, which are commonly needed for modeling species’ distributions.
ModEco has several unique features:
1) it deals with different types of ecological observation data, such as presence and absence data, presence-only data, and abundance data. Models include:
Support Vector Machines
Generalized Linear Model
Maximum Likelihood Classification
Artificial Neural Network
Rough Set
Classification Trees
Ensemble Model
2) it provides a range of models when dealing with presence-only data, such as presence-only models, pseudo-absence models, background vs. presence data models, and ensemble model;
3) it includes relatively comprehensive tools for data visualization, feature selection, and accuracy assessment.