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Members of the Digital Ecosystem Group attended the 2018 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGRASS)

The 2018 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGRASS) has been held in Valencia, Spain on July 22-27, 2018. The theme for IGARSS 2018 highlights the pressing demands for “Observing, Understanding and Forecasting the Dynamics of Our Planet”. More than 2,000 researchers from all over the world attended the meeting and shared the significant research […]

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Dr. Jin Wu was invited to give a lecture on May 14th, 2018

Tropical forest photosynthetic metabolism helps sustain the ecosystem productivity and biodiversity, and largely regulates large-scale carbon and water cycling, generating various important climate feedbacks at regional and global scales. However, considerable uncertainties remain regarding how best to represent tropical forest photosynthesis in current Earth system models (ESMs), especially its sensitivity to climatic vs. biotic variation. […]

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Su Yanjun, associate professor, attended the award ceremony for the 2017 Chinese Government Scholarship for Outstanding Self-financed Overseas Students in San Francisco

Dr Su Yanjun, a member of the Digital Ecosystem Group (graduated in 2017), won the 2017 Chinese Government Scholarship for Outstanding Self-financed Overseas Students. This scholarship is approved by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and is set up by the China Scholarship Council, which is implemented in 33 major countries, […]

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Posted on Category: 数据


专项网概况 中国生物多样性监测研究网络综合中心由近地面遥感监测、环境因子监测和数据汇交管理服务三个平台构成,通过多源传感器获取包括环境因子、地形要素在内的从树木构件-单木-样方群落-局地景观水平的统一高分辨率三维生境数据和高光谱影像数据。本综合中心建设的平台项目预期实现的科学目标为实现多参数的天地一体化综合监测研究以及实现多尺度、多站点、多生境的联网研究。最终促进整个领域能够开展景观尺度上生物多样性、生态系统功能演变以及作用机制的整合性研究。 监测工作进展 1 古田山无人机近地面遥感监测 2016年10月近地面遥感监测平台在古田山开展大面积遥感监测工作。航飞时激光雷达航带间重叠度到达30%,影像航向重叠度60%,旁向重叠度30%,航线向外延伸一条,保证作业区完全覆盖。激光雷达作业基本完成,设计作业区域为2.6平方公里,实际作业面积6平方公里。采集的激光雷达点云数据平均点云密度在每平方米19.7个点左右,并制作航飞区域DEM、DSM、冠层高度模型(CHM)、冠层覆盖度、叶面积指数等产品。在古田山开展高光谱预实验,共飞行高光谱作业两个架次,作业面积分布为0.75平方公里,1.2平方公里。 2 长白山无人机近地面遥感监测 2017年8月初至9月中旬,完成了长白山北坡10平方公里森林区域的激光雷达和可见光影像近地面遥感作业,覆盖了Sino-Bio网络中两块大型森林动态监测样地—25公顷阔叶红松林样地和24公顷次生杨桦林样地。2017年的作业总共获取10km2的LiDAR数据和正射影像。LiDAR数据采用Li-AIR PRO 作业,飞行高度为100m,飞行速度为4.5m/s,获取的激光雷达数据点密度约为100pts/m2。目前,数据在处理中,已经生产了部分空间分辨率为1米的DEM、DSM和CHM,以及空间分辨率为10米的覆盖度、空隙率和叶面积指数。正射影像采用固定翼飞机获取,飞行高度约200米,飞行速度15.9m/s,最终获取的正射影像数据空间分辨率为5cm。 数据共享 根据专项网政策,获取的数据将免费提供。由于获取的数据量比较大并且激光雷达存在高精度地形,在线共享只提供了两个区域的部分示例数据及产品。如果需要更多数据,需要离线申请,请发邮件联系。

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The results about retrieving leaf area index using a terrestrial laser scanner are published in the journal of ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

  Supported by the National Key Basic Research Program of China (project number 2013CB956604), National Science Foundation of China (project numbers 41471363, 31270563 and 41401505), and National Science Foundation (DBI 1356077), our group developed a new method to retrieve gap fraction, clumping index and leaf area index using the point cloud data generated from terrestrial […]

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Researchers from Institute of Botany make significant progress on investigating the relative vulnerability of giant sequoia groves to a warming climate and multi-year dry periods

Giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) trees, the sole living species in the genus Sequoiadendron, are among the largest trees and the oldest living things on Earth. However, with the global climate change, the current natural distribution of giant sequoia trees is restricted to an area of about 150 km2 on the western slopes of California’s Sierra […]

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We have successfully held the Symposium on Application of Remote Sensing in Biodiversity !

The symposium on “application of remote sensing in biodiversity” was successfully held on November 15, 2017, at the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of sciences. This conference was hosted by the Institute of Botany of the CAS, the Satellite Environment Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Biodiversity Committee of the CAS, and […]

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2017.06 We have successfully held the 3rd Seminar on LiDAR Application in Forest Ecology!

  The 3rd seminar on LiDAR application in forest ecology was held by the Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Science(IB-CAS), from Jun. 1st to Jun. 5th, 2017. More than 200 participants from 60 organizations participated in this workshop. The deputy director of the IB-CAS, Xiaoquan Wang, and the deputy director of the State Key […]

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